
A hot Texas wind spins the windmill bringing water to the parched land, The hot wind spins the lives and loves of the cattlemen and ranchers depending on the water. A wandering cowpuncher comes to the windmill and finds a farm family who needs his help. A 6,000 word short fiction story set in 1870’s Texas.
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Across a nation divided by the Civil War, neighbor fought neighbor. In Texas, Confederate Texans considered Texas members of the Union League who voted against secession to be traitors to the Confederacy. Confederate Texans hunted these individuals and executed or hung them without mercy. Sixty German immigrants from Fredericksburg Texas were slaughtered on the banks of the Nueces River for being “True to the Union.” This 6,000 word short story is historical fiction of what may have followed this true event.
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A pair of down-on-their-luck cowpunchers are desperate to find a job–any job–to fill their empty bellies. They didn’t expect much from a job offered by the local banker and certainly didn’t expect it to involve a flop-eared mule.
Watch the True To The Union Trailer
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